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Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1485-1491, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521047


Los pacientes con COVID-19 subsidiarios de ventilación mecánica (VM), evolucionan con consecuencias funcionales en la musculatura ventilatoria y apendicular que no necesariamente se abordan de manera diferenciada. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el impacto de un programa de recuperación funcional en estos pacientes y determinar si las intervenciones afectan de manera diferenciada a las funciones ventilatorias y musculatura apendicular, utilizando pruebas de bajo costo. Se evaluaron 47 pacientes con COVID-19 que estuvieron en VM. Posterior a una espirometría basal se les realizó; presión inspiratoria máxima (PIMáx), fuerza de prensión palmar (FPP), prueba de pararse y sentarse (PPS) y Prueba de caminata en 6 minutos (PC6m), antes y después del plan de intervención. Este programa incluyó ejercicios aeróbicos y de fuerza supervisados por dos sesiones semanales de 60 minutos durante 3 meses. Después del programa, se observaron mejoras significativas en la capacidad vital forzada (CVF), el volumen espiratorio en el primer segundo (VEF1) y la PIMáx. Se encontraron relaciones significativas entre estas mediciones y la distancia recorrida de la PC6m, la FPP y la PPS. En conclusión, el programa de recuperación funcional en pacientes con COVID-19 que requirieron VM, beneficia tanto la función ventilatoria como la fuerza muscular apendicular. Las pruebas de fuerza muscular apendicular pueden ser útiles para evaluar la recuperación ya que pueden entregar información diferenciada de sus rendimientos. Por último, se necesita más investigación para comprender mejor la respuesta de estos pacientes a la rehabilitación.

SUMMARY: Patients with COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation (MV) evolve with functional consequences in the ventilatory and appendicular muscles that are not necessarily addressed in a differentiated manner. The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of a functional recovery program in these patients and determine if the interventions differentially affect ventilatory functions and appendicular muscles, using low- cost tests. 47 patients with COVID-19 who were on MV were evaluated. After a baseline spirometry, they were performed; maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP), handgrip strength (HGS), sit to stand test (STST) and 6-minute walk test (6MWT), before and after the intervention plan. This program included supervised aerobic and strength exercises for two weekly 60-minute sessions for 3 months. After the program, significant improvements were observed in forced vital capacity (FVC), expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and MIP. Significant relationships were found between these measurements and the distance traveled of the 6MWT, the HGS and the STST. In conclusion, the functional recovery program in patients with COVID-19 who required MV benefits both ventilatory function and appendicular muscle strength. Appendicular muscle strength tests can be useful to evaluate recovery since they can provide differentiated information about your performances. Finally, more research is needed to better understand the response of these patients to rehabilitation.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Pulmonary Ventilation/physiology , Recovery of Function , COVID-19/rehabilitation , Respiration, Artificial , Spirometry , Walking , Hand Strength , Maximal Respiratory Pressures
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253333, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440788


Este discute a representatividade da disciplina Psicologia do Esporte nos cursos de Psicologia e Educação Física em instituições de ensino superior reconhecidas pelo MEC e situadas na região Sul do país. Foi realizado um estudo documental, com base nos currículos das Instituições. Os resultados revelaram que no Sul do Brasil 21,02% dos cursos de Psicologia, 41,96% dos cursos de bacharelado em Educação Física e apenas 14,83% dos cursos de licenciatura em Educação Física apresentam a disciplina Psicologia do Esporte em sua grade curricular. Observou-se que a disciplina é ofertada mais frequentemente em regime obrigatório nos cursos de bacharelado em Educação Física. Nos cursos de Psicologia, quando ofertada, costuma ser optativa. Os resultados evidenciam uma maior oferta da disciplina para os estudantes de Educação Física, em relação aos de Psicologia, o que pode estar relacionado ao próprio contexto de surgimento da disciplina e sua popularização no meio acadêmico. Para que esse panorama possa mudar e se possa oferecer uma formação adequada no curso de Psicologia para fomentar essa opção de carreira, há necessidade de se repensar o currículo e o próprio perfil do egresso, de forma a dar mais oportunidade aos estudantes para que conheçam as bases teóricas e os campos de aplicação da Psicologia do Esporte. Tal lacuna pode acarretar a fragilização da disseminação desse conhecimento aos estudantes de graduação e a consequente ocupação do mercado de trabalho.(AU)

This study discusses the representativeness of Sports Psychology in Psychology and Physical Education courses at higher education institutions from Southern Brazil. A documentary study was conducted based on the institutions' curricula. Results show that 21.02% of the Psychology major, 41.96% of the bachelor's in Physical Education, and only 14.83% of the license in Physical Education offer Sports Psychology in their curricula. Sports Psychology is most often offered as a compulsory subject in the bachelor's program in Physical Education, whereas Psychology courses offer it mainly as an elective. Physical Education students have greater contact with the discipline when compared with Psychology students, which may be explained by its context of development and popularization in the academic environment. To change this scenario and offer adequate education in the Psychology programs to foster this career option, institutions must rethink their curriculum and the graduate profile itself. This would give students better opportunity to get to know its theoretical bases and fields of application. Such a gap can hinder the dissemination of this knowledge to undergraduate students and the consequent labor market occupation.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio es discutir la representatividad de la materia Psicología del Deporte en los cursos de Psicología y Educación Física en instituciones de educación superior de la región Sur de Brasil, reconocidas por el Ministerio de Educación (MEC). Se realizó un estudio documental, basado en los planes de estudio de las instituciones. Los resultados revelaron que, en el Sur de Brasil, el 21,02% de los cursos de Psicología, el 41,96% de los cursos de licenciatura en Educación Física y sólo el 14,83% de los cursos de profesorado en Educación tienen la materia Psicología del Deporte en sus planes de estudio. Se observó que la materia Psicología del Deporte se ofrece con mayor frecuencia como asignatura obligatoria en los cursos de licenciatura en Educación Física. Cuando se ofrece en los cursos de Psicología, es una materia optativa. Los resultados muestran una mayor oferta para los estudiantes de Educación Física en comparación con Psicología, lo que puede estar relacionado con el contexto del surgimiento de la Psicología del Deporte como materia y su popularización en el ámbito académico. Para que este escenario cambie y sea posible ofrecer una formación adecuada en el curso de Psicología con el fin de fomentar esta opción de carrera, es necesario repensar el plan de estudios y el perfil del egresado, así los estudiantes tendrán más oportunidades de conocer sus bases teóricas y sus campos de actuación. Tal brecha puede debilitar la difusión de este conocimiento a los estudiantes de grado y la consecuente ocupación en el mercado laboral.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Physical Education and Training , Psychology , Curriculum , Educational Measurement , Psychology, Sports , Anxiety , Perception , Appetite , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Aptitude , Physiology , Professional Competence , Professional Practice Location , Psychology, Educational , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Attention , Self Concept , Self-Evaluation Programs , Soccer , Social Change , Social Control, Formal , Specialization , Sports , Sports Medicine , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Track and Field , Vocational Guidance , Wounds and Injuries , Bicycling , Biomechanical Phenomena , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Health , Mental Health , Physical Fitness , Liability, Legal , Walking , Relaxation Therapy , Staff Development , Guidelines as Topic , Disabled Persons , Cognition , Cultural Diversity , Creativity , Credentialing , Cultural Characteristics , Decision Making , Government Regulation , Depression , Diet , Education , Emotions , Innovation and Development Policy , Higher Education Policy , National Organizations of Higher Education , Professional Training , Fatigue , Mental Fatigue , High-Throughput Screening Assays , Sedentary Behavior , Athletes , Disease Resistance , Sports Nutritional Sciences , Self-Control , Return to Sport , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Mentoring , Academic Performance , Physical Functional Performance , Burnout, Psychological , Social Defeat , Psychological Well-Being , Group Dynamics , Overtraining Syndrome , Habits , Health Promotion , Homeostasis , Ergonomics , Jurisprudence , Leadership , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Memory , Motivation , Motor Activity , Muscle Relaxation , Muscle Tonus , Neuroanatomy
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252743, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448951


O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar e compreender fenomenologicamente, por meio de relato de Psicólogos de Esporte (PE) e de Coaches, em sua vivência prática, como ocorrem os processos reflexivos em sua atuação, conforme apreendidos a partir de relatos de experiências. O método de investigação escolhido foi a fenomenologia, pois oferece os recursos necessários para tal mergulho junto à experiência reflexiva. A amostra intencional foi delineada por PE e Coaches (profissionais de Educação Física que recorrem ao Coaching) em atividade em esportes de alto rendimento, que tenham atuado ou estejam atuando em modalidades esportivas coletivas e/ou individuais. Realizaram-se nove entrevistas (cinco com PE, quatro com Coaches). O acesso ao objeto desse estudo se deu por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e semiestruturadas, orientadas pela escuta suspensiva. As questões disparadoras foram formuladas com base no Procedimento Estruturado de Reflexão adaptado. Para análise das entrevistas, realizou-se uma síntese de cada relato, seguindo-se de cruzamento intencional. Como resultados, percebeu-se que PE e Coaches trazem algumas similaridades no que se refere aos modos de refletir sobre sua prática. No entanto, as experiências que eles fazem desses processos reflexivos é que podem tomar rumos distintos. Os(as) PE amparam-se na regulamentação da profissão e resguardam-se em seus apontamentos, trazendo suas experiências e reflexões sobre os processos vividos. Os(as) Coaches trazem em suas explanações um trabalho coerente, organizado e compatível com o método do Coaching. Problematizar os processos reflexivos desses profissionais permite diferenciar qualitativa e eticamente suas atuações, possibilitando o fomento multiprofissional no esporte.(AU)

The aim of this study consists in phenomenologically identifying and understanding, by the report of Sport Psychologists (SP) and coaches, in their practical experience, how would be the reflexive processes that take place in their performance, as learned from reports of their experiences. The research method chosen was phenomenology, since it offers the necessary resources for such a dive along with the reflective experience. The intentional sample was outlined by SP and coaches (Physical Education professionals who use coaching) active in high performance sports, who have or are working in collective and/or individual sports. Nine interviews were conducted (five with SP, four with coaches). Access to the object of this study took place by in-depth and semi-structured interviews, guided by suspensive listening. The triggering questions were formulated based on the adapted Structured Reflection Procedure. For the analysis of the interviews, a synthesis of each report was carried out, followed by the intentional crossing. As results, it was noticed that SP and coaches bring some similarities regarding the ways of reflecting on their practice. However, their experiences of these reflective processes are that they can take different directions. The SP are based on the regulation of the profession and guard themselves in their notes, bringing their experiences and reflections on the processes experienced. Coaches bring in their explanations a coherent, organized, and compatible work with the coaching method. Problematizing the reflective processes of these professionals allows to differentiate their actuation qualitatively and ethically, making the multiprofessional phenomenon in sport possible.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio consiste en identificar y comprender fenomenológicamente, a partir de la experiencia práctica de psicólogos del deporte (PD) y coaches, cómo serían los procesos reflexivos que se llevan a cabo en su rendimiento, tal y como se desprende de los informes de experiencias. El método de investigación elegido fue la fenomenología, ya que ofrece los recursos necesarios junto con la experiencia. La muestra intencional fue delineada por PD y coaches (profesionales de la educación física que utilizan el coaching) activos en deportes de alto rendimiento, que tienen o están trabajando en deportes colectivos e/o individuales. Se realizaron nueve entrevistas (cinco con PD, cuatro con coaches). El acceso al objeto de este estudio fue entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas, guiadas por escuchas suspensivas. Las preguntas se formularon desde el procedimiento de reflexión estructurado adaptado. Para el análisis de las entrevistas, se hizo una síntesis de cada informe, seguida del cruce intencional. Como resultados, se notó que los PD y coaches tienen algunas similitudes con respecto a las formas de reflexionar sobre su práctica. Sin embargo, las experiencias que hacen de estos procesos pueden tomar diferentes direcciones. Los(las) PD se basan en la regulación de la profesión y se protegen en sus notas, aportando sus experiencias y reflexiones sobre los procesos vividos. Los(las) coaches plantean en sus explicaciones un trabajo coherente, organizado y compatible con el método de Coaching. Problematizar los procesos reflexivos de estos profesionales permite diferenciar sus acciones de manera cualitativa y ética, además de posibilitar la promoción multiprofesional en el deporte.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Psychology, Sports , Mentoring , Anxiety , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Personal Satisfaction , Aptitude , Physical Education and Training , Physical Endurance , Natural Science Disciplines , Play and Playthings , Professional Competence , Psychology , Psychomotor Performance , Quality of Health Care , Quality of Life , Recreation , Rehabilitation , Running , Attention , Science , Sleep , Soccer , Social Control, Formal , Social Identification , Social Justice , Sports Medicine , Stress, Psychological , Swimming , Teaching , Therapeutics , Track and Field , Vocational Guidance , Wounds and Injuries , Yoga , Behavioral Sciences , Breathing Exercises , Health , Mental Health , Physical Fitness , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Occupational Health , Walking , Professional Autonomy , Guidelines as Topic , Interview , Congresses as Topic , Meditation , Life , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Wit and Humor , Fitness Centers , Practice Management , Complex Regional Pain Syndromes , Credentialing , Crisis Intervention , Mind-Body Therapies , Exercise Movement Techniques , Biomedical Enhancement , Depression , Diet , Dietetics , Education, Nonprofessional , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Ethics, Professional , Sanitary Supervision , Professional Training , Athletic Performance , Resistance Training , Resilience, Psychological , Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena , Feeding Behavior , Athletes , Capacity Building , Sports Nutritional Sciences , Return to Sport , Work Performance , Professionalism , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Academic Success , Water Sports , Work Engagement , Cognitive Psychology , Science and Development , Cognitive Training , Psychological Well-Being , Working Conditions , Gymnastics , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Anatomy , Job Description , Jurisprudence , Leadership , Learning , Life Style , Memory , Methods , Motivation , Motor Activity , Motor Skills , Movement , Muscle Relaxation , Muscles , Obesity
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 69(1)jan.-mar. 2023.
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1512138


Introduction: Oxygen consumption (VO2 ) is indicative of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and lower levels are related to a higher risk of total mortality among individuals with cancer whose therapy can have adverse consequences on the cardiovascular system. Objective: To examine the associations of patient-reported sociodemographic, clinical, anthropometric outcomes and functional variables with CRF in 69 women (55±10 years) and to identify whether walking is a predictor of peak VO2 variation in this population with breast cancer (BC). Method: Female BC survivors receiving hormone therapy after two types of surgery (breast-conserving and mastectomy) underwent a CRF test on a cycle ergometer to measure peak VO2 . A questionnaire containing sociodemographic, clinical data, patient reported outcomes (PROs) (depressive symptoms, sleep quality, fatigue, body image) and self-reported walking and tests to measure body fat percentage, waist circumference, flexibility and shoulder range of motion (RoM) were performed. Results: Unemployment and retirement were associated with low CRF, as was the use of aromatase inhibitors instead of tamoxifen. Depressive symptoms, worse body image, greater waist circumference, less flexibility and shoulder RoM were also associated with low CRF. Walking duration, controlled for age and body mass index (BMI), is a 13% predictor of peak VO2 variance in this sample. Conclusion: These factors must be considered in understanding the CRF profile of BC survivors. As walking was a predictor of peak VO2 variance, it should be recommended as a type of physical activity for patients with BC using hormone therapy.

Introdução: O consumo de oxigênio (VO2 ) é indicativo de aptidão cardiorrespiratória (ACR), e níveis mais baixos estão relacionados a um maior risco de mortalidade total entre indivíduos com câncer cuja terapia pode ter consequências adversas no sistema cardiovascular. Objetivo: Examinar as associações de desfechos sociodemográficos, clínicos, antropométricos relatados pelo paciente e variáveis funcionais com a ACR de 69 mulheres (55±10 anos), e identificar se a caminhada é um preditor de variação do pico de VO2 nessa população com câncer de mama (CM). Método: Mulheres sobreviventes de CM recebendo terapia hormonal após dois tipos de cirurgias (conservadora e mastectomia) realizaram um teste de ACR em cicloergômetro para medir o VO2 pico. Um questionário contendo dados sociodemográficos e clínicos; resultados relatados pelos pacientes (RRP) (sintomas depressivos, qualidade do sono, fadiga, imagem corporal); caminhada autorreferida; e testes para medir o percentual de gordura, circunferência da cintura, flexibilidade e amplitude do movimento ADM do ombro foram realizados. Resultados: Desemprego e aposentadoria foram associados à baixa ACR, assim como o uso de inibidores de aromatase ao invés de tamoxifeno. Sintomas depressivos, pior imagem corporal, maior circunferência da cintura, menor flexibilidade e ADM do ombro também foram associados à baixa ACR. A duração da caminhada, controlada por idade e índice de massa corporal (IMC), é um preditor de 13% da variância do VO2 pico nesta amostra. Conclusão: Tais fatores devem ser considerados na compreensão do perfil de ACR de sobreviventes de CM. Como a caminhada foi um preditor da variância do VO2 pico, deve ser recomendada atividade física para pacientes com CM em uso de hormonioterapia.

Introducción: El consumo de oxígeno (VO2 ) es indicativo de aptitud cardiorrespiratoria (ACR) y los niveles más bajos se relacionan con un mayor riesgo de mortalidad total entre las personas con cáncer cuya terapia puede tener consecuencias adversas sobre el sistema cardiovascular. Objetivo: Examinar las asociaciones de los resultados sociodemográficos, clínicos, antropométricos y variables funcionales informados por las pacientes con la ACR en 69 mujeres (55±10 años) e identificar si caminar es un predictor de la variación del VO2 máximo en esta población con cáncer de mama (CM). Método: Mujeres sobrevivientes de CM que recibieron terapia hormonal después de dos tipos de cirugía (conservadora y mastectomía) se sometieron a una prueba de ACR en un cicloergómetro para medir el VO2 máximo. Se aplicó un cuestionario que contenía datos sociodemográficos, clínicos, resultados informados por los pacientes (RIP) (síntomas depresivos, calidad del sueño, fatiga, imagen corporal) y caminata autoinformada y pruebas para medir el porcentaje de grasa corporal, la circunferencia de la cintura, la flexibilidad y el rango de movimiento (RoM) del hombro. Resultados: El desempleo y la jubilación se asociaron con una baja ACR, al igual que el uso de inhibidores de la aromatasa en lugar de tamoxifeno. Síntomas depresivos, peor imagen corporal, mayor perímetro de cintura, menor flexibilidad y RoM de los hombros también se asociaron con una baja ACR. La duración de la caminata, controlada por edad e índice de masa corporal (IMC), es un predictor del 13% de la variación del VO2 pico en esta muestra. Conclusión: Estos factores deben ser considerados para comprender el perfil de ACR de los sobrevivientes de CM. Como la caminata fue un predictor de la variación del VO2 pico, debe recomendarse actividad física para pacientes con CM en terapia hormonal.

Breast Neoplasms , Exercise , Walking , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Cancer Survivors
Journal of the ASEAN Federation of Endocrine Societies ; : 113-122, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003688


Background@#A daily habit of yogic practice or walking, along with an oral hypoglycemic agent (OHA) could be beneficial for better control of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to find out the efficiency of yoga or walking on glycemic control in T2DM.@*Methodology@#The present systematic review and meta-analysis were completed according to the PRISMA guidelines. The risk of bias in included studies was evaluated, by using the revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials. Meta-analysis was implemented using RevMan software. Forest plots were used to illustrate the study findings and meta-analysis results.@*Results@#Sixteen studies were included in this systematic review, where 1820 participants were allocated to one of the following interventions: yoga, walking, and without any regular exercise (control group). Participants were between 17–75 years of age. Compared to the control group, the yoga group had a significant reduction in fasting blood glucose (FBG) by 31.98 mg/dL (95% CI,–47.93 to –16.03), postprandial blood glucose (PPBG) by 25.59 mg/dL (95% CI, –44.00 to –7.18], glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc) by 0.73% (95% CI, –1.24 to -0.22), fasting insulin by 7.19 μIU/mL (95% CI, –12.10 to –2.28), and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) by 3.87 (95% CI, –8.40 to -0.66). Compared to the control group, the walking group had a significant reduction in FBG by 12.37 mg/dL (95% CI, –20.06 to –4.68) and HbA1c by 0.35% (95% CI, –0.70 to –0.01). Compared to the walking group, the yoga group had a significant reduction in FBG by 12.07 mg/dL (95% CI, –24.34 to – 0.20), HbA1c by 0.20% (95% CI, –0.37 to –0.04), fasting insulin by 10.06 μIU/mL (95% CI, –23.84 to 3.71) and HOMA-IR by 5.97 (95% CI, –16.92 to 4.99).@*Conclusions@#Yoga or walking with OHA has positive effects on glycemic control. For the management of T2DM, yoga has relatively more significant effects on glycemic control than walking.

Yoga , Walking , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Glycemic Control , Insulin Resistance
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation ; (6): 278-283, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982228


A protective device was designed that can be worn on the elderly, which consists of protective airbag, control box and protective mechanism. The combined acceleration, combined angular velocity and human posture angle are selected as the parameters to determine the fall, and the threshold algorithm and SVM algorithm are used to detect the fall. The protective mechanism is an inflatable device based on CO2 compressed air cylinder, and the equal-width cam structure is applied to its transmission part to improve the puncture efficiency of the compressed gas cylinder. A fall experiment was designed to obtain the combined acceleration and angular velocity eigenvalues of fall actions (forward fall, backward fall and lateral fall) and daily activities (sitting-standing, walking, jogging and walking up and down stairs), showing that the specificity and sensitivity of the protection module reached 92.1% and 84.4% respectively, which verified the feasibility of the fall protection device.

Humans , Aged , Monitoring, Ambulatory , Activities of Daily Living , Wearable Electronic Devices , Walking , Acceleration , Algorithms
Journal of Zhejiang University. Medical sciences ; (6): 214-222, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982037


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the effect of torso training on unstable surface on lower limb motor function in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury.@*METHODS@#A total of 80 patients with incomplete spinal cord injury caused by thoracolumbar fracture admitted in Ningbo Yinzhou No.2 Hospital from April 2020 to December 2021 were randomly divided into control group and study group, with 40 cases in each group. In addition to routine training, the control group received torso training on stable surface and the study group received torso training on unstable surface. The gait, lower limb muscle strength, balance function, lower limb function, mobility and nerve function of the two groups were compared.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the stride length, stride frequency and comfortable walking speed improved in the two groups (all P<0.05), and the improvements in study group were more significant (all P<0.05). The muscle strength of quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus, hamstring, anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius were improved in the two groups (all P<0.05), and the improvements in study group were more significant (all P<0.05); the total trajectories of static eye opening and static eye closing gravity center movement in the two groups were significantly shorter (all P<0.05), and the improvements in the study group were more significant (all P<0.05). The dynamic stability limit range and the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) lower extremity motor score, Berg balance scale, modified Barthel index scale in the two groups were significantly higher (all P<0.05), and these scores in study group were significantly higher than those in the control group (all P<0.05). Both groups showed a significant improvement in ASIA grade (all P<0.05), and the improvement in the study group was significantly better (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Torso training on unstable surface can effectively improve the gait and lower limb muscle strength of patients with incomplete spinal cord injury and improve the lower limb motor function.

Humans , Walking/physiology , Spinal Cord Injuries , Gait/physiology , Lower Extremity , Torso
MHSalud ; 19(2)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1405526


Abstract Background: Maximum oxygen consumption is an indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness. Aim: The purpose was, first, to relate and compare the V̇O2max as the dependent variable with the estimated distance in the six-minute walk test (SMWT) as the independent variable in university students and, secondly, to relate the distance (dependent) with demographic and anthropometric variables (independents). Methodology: A correlational, descriptive, and quantitative study with a non-experimental design was conducted on 110 university students. In the study, basic anthropometry and vital signs were measured. A direct method of V̇O2max (Bruce test) on a treadmill was applied. Then, the distance covered in the SMWT was evaluated with two equations available in the scientific literature. Differences between men and women were measured in the tests, the correlation between the distances estimated with V̇O2max and anthropometric variables, and repeated ANOVA measurement tests between V̇O2max and estimated distance were analyzed with the SPSS v.22 program (p<0.05). Results: Significant correlations were found between V̇O2max and estimated distances (p<0.05) in the total sample, men and women, and in some cases, the distance correlated with gender, age, weight, height, and BMI (p<0.05). However, there were differences between V̇O2max and distances estimated in the SMWT (p<0.001). Conclusions: The V̇O2max measurement method is different from the distance prediction equations, although they have a significant relationship.

Resumen Antecedentes: El consumo máximo de oxígeno es un indicador de la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria. Objetivo: El objetivo fue relacionar y comparar el V̇O2máx. como variable dependiente con la distancia estimada en la prueba de caminata de seis minutos (PC6M) como variable independiente en estudiantes universitarios, a la vez relacionar la distancia (dependiente) con variables demográficas y antropométricas (independientes). Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal, y descriptivo-correlacional en el que participaron 110 estudiantes universitarios. Se midió antropometría básica y signos vitales, y se aplicó un método directo de V̇O2máx. (Test de Bruce) en cinta rodante, luego se estimó la distancia recorrida en PC6M con dos ecuaciones disponibles en la literatura. Diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en las pruebas aplicadas, correlación entre las distancias estimadas con el V̇O2máx. y variables antropométricas, y la prueba de ANOVA de medidas repetidas entre el V̇O2máx. y las distancias estimadas fueron utilizadas con el programa SPSS v.22 (p<0,05). Resultados: Se encontró correlaciones significativas entre el V̇O2máx. y distancias estimadas (p<0,05) en la muestra, en hombres y mujeres, y en algunos casos la distancia se correlacionó con el sexo, la edad, el peso, la estatura y el IMC (p<0,05). Sin embargo, hubo diferencias entre el V̇O2máx. y las distancias estimadas en la PC6M (p<0,001). Conclusiones: El método directo de V̇O2máx. es distinto de las ecuaciones de predicción de distancia, aunque tienen relación significativa.

Resumo Antecedentes: O consumo máximo de oxigênio é um indicador de aptidão cardiorrespiratória. Objetivo: O objetivo é relacionar e comparar a V̇O2 máx. como variável dependente com a distância estimada no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M) como uma variável independente em estudantes universitários, ao mesmo tempo, relacionar a distância (dependente) com variáveis demográficas e antropométricas (independente). Metodologia: Estudo quantitativo, não-experimental, transversal, descritivo-correlativo, no qual participaram 110 estudantes universitários. Antropometria básica e sinais vitais foram medidos, e um método direto de V̇O2 máx. (teste Bruce) foi aplicado na esteira, então a distância coberta em TC6M foi estimada com duas equações disponíveis na literatura. Diferenças entre homens e mulheres nos testes aplicados, correlação entre distâncias estimadas com V̇O2 máx. e variáveis antropométricas, e medidas repetidas teste ANOVA entre V̇O2 máx. e distâncias estimadas foram usadas com SPSS v.22 (p<0,05). Resultados: Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre V̇O2 máx. e distâncias estimadas (p<0,05) na amostra, em homens e mulheres, e em alguns casos a distância correlacionada com sexo, idade, peso, altura e IMC (p<0,05). Entretanto, houve diferenças entre V̇O2 máx. e distâncias estimadas em TC6M (p<0,001). Conclusões: O método direto de V̇O2 máx. é diferente das equações de previsão de distância, embora elas tenham relações significativas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Oxygen Consumption/physiology , Walking/physiology , Students
Article in Spanish | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1411671


Introducción: Se evaluó el efecto de las medidas implementadas durante la pandemia de COVID-19 sobre el nivel de actividad física (AF) y el tiempo de sedentarismo (TS) en dos semanas consecutivas con distintos grados de restricciones.Materiales y métodos: Se aplicó el cuestionario International Physical Activity Questionnaire versión corta (IPAQ-S) Se recabaron datos demográficos y referentes al nivel de AF y al TS de los individuos en dos fases de restricción: fase 1 (F1), de confinamiento estricto y fase 3 (F3), de menores restricciones.Resultados: Respondieron a la encuesta 1746 individuos, 1178 mujeres (68%) y 568 hombres (32%). La edad media de la población fue de 32 ±14 años. Al aplicar el cuestionario IPAQ-S correspondiente a la semana de F3, se encontró un 16% de personas físicamente inactivas mientras que en la semana de F1, fue de 33% La AF disminuyó cuando se implementaron mayores restricciones, tanto en hombres como en mujeres y en distintos rangos etarios. En los sujetos menores de 25 años se produjo la disminución más importante en el porcentaje de AF moderada e intensa al aumentar las restricciones (90% vs 69%, p= 0,000). El TS fue mayor en F1 respecto de F3 (22% vs 18%, p= 0,000), tanto de hombres como de mujeres. Conclusiones: Las medidas implementadas para mitigar la diseminación del COVID-19 tuvieron un impacto negativo sobre el nivel de AF en la población estudiada que mostró también un aumento del TS. Resulta especialmente preocupante la disminución del nivel de AF en el grupo de jóvenes (AU)

Introduction: We assess the effect of the measures implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic on the level of physical activity (PA) and the time of sedentarism (TS) in two consecutive weeks with different degrees of restrictions.Materials and methods: We use The International Physical Activity Questionnaire short version (IPAQ-S). We collected demographic data and data related to physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) developed by individuals in two phases of restriction: Phase 1 (P1), strict confinement and Phase 3 (P3), with fewer restrictions. Results: 1746 individuals responded to the survey, 1178 women (68%) and 568 men (32%). The mean age of the population was 32 ±14 years. 79% of the individuals were residents of the city of Bahía Blanca. When applying the IPAQ-S questionnaire corresponding to the week of P 3, we found that physically inactive people were 16%. When the IPAQ-S was applied to the week corresponding to P 1, the percentage of physically inactive people was 33%. A statistically significant decrease in the time spent on PA was observed when greater restrictions were implemented, both in men and women and in different age ranges. In subjects under 25 years of age, the most important decrease in the percentage of moderate and intense PA occurred when restrictions were increased (90% vs 69%, p= 0.000). ST was higher in P1 versus P3 (22% vs 18%, p= 0,000) both in men and women. Conclusions: The measures implemented to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 had a negative impact on the level of PA in the population studied, which also showed an increase in sedentary time. Is especially concerning the decrease in the PA level in the group of young people (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Exercise , Quarantine , Sedentary Behavior , COVID-19/prevention & control , Argentina/epidemiology , Sports , Surveys and Questionnaires , Walking , Sex Distribution
Rev. colomb. neumol ; 34(2): 17-24, July-Dec. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1412682


Introducción: la enfermedad por COVID-19 puede provocar una gran variedad de problemas de salud a largo plazo, como deterioro de la función pulmonar, reducción del rendimiento del ejercicio y disminución de la calidad de vida. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la eficacia, viabilidad y seguridad de la rehabilitación pulmonar en pacientes con COVID-19 y comparar los resultados entre pacientes con un curso leve/moderado y grave/crítico de la enfermedad. Material y métodos: los pacientes en la fase posaguda de un curso leve a crítico de COVID-19 ingresados en un programa integral de rehabilitación pulmonar, se incluyeron en este estudio de cohorte prospectivo y observacional. Se evaluaron antes y después varias medidas de rendimiento del ejercicio, distancia de caminata de 6 minutos, función pulmonar (capacidad vital forzada (CVF)) y calidad de vida (encuesta de salud de formato corto de 36 preguntas (SF-36)). Se incluyeron 43 pacientes en el estudio (20 con COVID leve/moderado y 23 con COVID grave/crítico). Resultados: al ingreso los pacientes tenían una distancia de caminata reducida (leve: mediana 401 m, rango intercuartílico (IQR) 335-467 m; severo: 108 m, 84-132 m); una CVF deteriorada (leve: 72 %, severo: 35 %), y una puntuación baja de salud mental SF-36 (leve: 52 puntos, severo: 32 puntos. Los pacientes recibieron sesiones ajustadas a sus capacidades físicas y en ambos subgrupos mejoraron en la prueba de caminata de 6 minutos (leve/moderada: +54 m, severo/crítico: +117 m, ambos p <0.002), en CVF (leve/moderada: + 8.9 % , p = 0.004; severo/crítico: + 12.4 %, p <0.003) y en el componente mental SF-36 (leve / moderado: +6.8 puntos, p = 0.062; severo/crítico: +16.7 puntos, -p <0,005). Discusión y conclusiones: un programa de ejercicio bien estructurado resulta en un beneficio en las esferas de capacidad aeróbica, volúmenes pulmonares y calidad de vida; en tal sentido, se recomienda ampliar las muestras poblacionales para poder aplicar nuestro protocolo a otros centros encargados de la rehabilitación de pacientes con COVID-19.

Introduction: COVID-19 disease can cause a wide variety of long-term health problems, such as impaired lung function, reduced exercise performance, and decreased quality of life. Our study aimed to investigate the efficacy, feasibility, and safety of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COVID-19 and to compare the results between patients with a mild/moderate and severe/critical course of the disease. Materials and Methods: Patients in the post-acute phase of a mild to critical course of COVID-19 admitted to a comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation program were included in this prospective, observational cohort study. Various measures of exercise performance, 6-minute walk distance, lung function (forced vital capacity (FVC)), and quality of life (36-question short-form health survey (SF-36)) were assessed before and after. We include 43 patients in this study (20 with mild/moderate COVID and 23 with severe/critical COVID-19). Results: At admission, patients had reduced walking distance (mild: median 401 m, interquartile range (IQR) 335-467 m; severe: 108 m, 84-132 m), impaired FVC (mild: 72%, severe: 35%,) and a low SF-36 mental health score (mild: 52 points, severe: 32 points). This patients received sessions adjusted to their physical abilities, and in both subgroups the patients improved on the walking test of 6 min (mild/moderate: +54m, severe/critical: +117m, both p < 0.002), FVC (mild/moderate: +8.9%, p=0.004; severe/critical: +12.4%, p <0.003) and mental component SF-36 (mild / moderate: +6.8 points, p = 0.062; severe / critical: +16.7 points, -p <0.005). Discussion and Conclusions: A well-structured exercise program results in a benefit in the patients' spheres of aerobic capacity, lung volumes and quality of life, in this sense it is recommended to expand population samples to be able to apply our protocol to other centers in charge of the rehabilitation of COVID 19 patients.

Humans , Exercise , COVID-19 , Rehabilitation , Pulmonary Medicine , Walking , Exercise Therapy
Rev. colomb. neumol ; 34(2): 25-37, July-Dec. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1412772


Introducción: las enfermedades pulmonares pueden generar hospitalizaciones, estancias prolongadas, complicaciones e inclusive la muerte. Estas enfermedades repercuten negativamente en la capacidad inspiratoria y en la calidad de vida. Por lo tanto, el presente artículo pretende analizar los efectos del Método JaPer sobre la capacidad inspiratoria de los pacientes hospitalizados. Material y métodos: ensayo clínico aleatorizado inicialmente con 653 pacientes hospitalizados que pasó a 587 distribuidos en 2 grupos (Grupo experimental-GE: Método JaPer vs Grupo control-GC: uso convencional de inspirómetro volumétrico). Se determinó la capacidad inspiratoria máxima, caminata de los 6 minutos, antropometría y un cuestionario creado por los autores. Se aplicó un programa de entrenamiento de 2 semanas de 3 sesiones por día. Al GE se le aplicó el Método Japer con protocolo estandarizado para hacer ejercicios entre el 50 y el 80 % de la capacidad inspiratoria máxima del paciente y a los pacientes del GC se les realizó incentivo inspiratorio a inspiración máxima. Resultados: 587 pacientes (F:300 vs M:287) con edad promedio de 53.61±14.24 años, entre los cuales el 9.88 % tenía bajo peso, 17.89 % peso normal y el 27.26 % y 44.97 % sobrepeso y obesidad, respectivamente. Todos los participantes realizaron una caminata de 6 minutos para determinar los metros recorridos (GE: 387.70±47.59 vs GC: 371.30±49.10), velocidad (GE: 64.62±7.93 vs GC: 61.88±8.18) y el Vo2 estimado (GE: 9.96±0.79 vs GC: 9.69±0.82). Todas las variables y la capacidad inspiratoria máxima (GE: 1708.54±707.84 vs GC: 1448.83±692.79) determinaron pre y post entrenamiento. Conclusiones: el Método JaPer obtuvó mejores resultados en todas las variables evaluadas con diferencia significativa (p= <0.05) frente al grupo control, resaltando que la capacidad inspiratoria máxima aumentó en ambos grupos (GE:44 % vs GC:28 %; p= <0.05).

Introduction: Pulmonary diseases can generate hospitalizations, prolonged stays, complications and even death. These diseases have a negative impact on inspiratory capacity and quality of life. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the effects of the JaPer method on the inspiratory capacity of hospitalized patients. Materials and methods: Randomized clinical trial initially with 653 patients, which went on to 587 hospitalized patients distributed in 2 groups (Experimental group: JaPer Method vs. Control group: Conventional use of volumetric inspirometer). Maximum inspiratory capacity, 6-minute walk, anthropometry, and a questionnaire created by the authors were determined. A 2-week training program of 3 sessions per day was applied. The GE applied the Japer Method with a standardized protocol to exercise between 50 and 80% of the patient's maximum inspiratory capacity, and the CG underwent inspiratory incentive at maximum inspiration. Results: 587 patients (F:300 vs M:287) with a mean age of 53.61±14.24 years and 9.88% of the population were underweight, 17.89% normal weight and 27.26% and 44.97% overweight and obese, respectively. All participants performed a 6-minute walk to determine meters traveled (GE: 387.70±47.59 vs CG: 371.30±49.10), speed (GE: 64.62±7.93 vs CG: 61.88±8.18) and estimated VO2 (GE: 9.96 ±0.79 vs CG: 9.69±0.82). All variables and maximal inspiratory capacity (GE: 1708.54±707.84 vs CG: 1448.83±692.79) were determined before and after training. Conclusions: The JaPer method obtained better results in all the variables evaluated with a significant difference (p=<0.05) compared to the control group. Highlighting that the maximum inspiratory capacity increased in both groups (GE:44% vs CG:28%; p=<0.05).

Humans , Exercise , Inspiratory Capacity , Lung Diseases , Anthropometry , Walking , Speed Meters
Medwave ; 22(4): e002551, 30-05-2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371689


Introduction Walking speed is related to functionality in daily activities. Preventive Medicine Examination of the Chilean older adults is a vital prevention program for Chilean community- dwelling older adults. However, this evaluation does not include speed in its battery of tests. Objective To evaluate the functional classification spaces for threshold, reference, and categorization val-ues of self- selected and maximum walking speed applied to self- sufficient older adults. Methods Seventy- two self- sufficient older adults participated in this observational, exploratory, and cross- sectional study. Each participant was asked to walk naturally and then at full speed for three minutes. Through a dispersion graph between self- selected walking speed (axis "x") and maximum walking speed (axis "y"), functional classification spaces were constructed according to documented values for i) thresholds of basic functionality, ii) referential for the instrumental spectrum and iii) functional categorization for "household walker" (< 0.4 meters per second, m/s), "limited community ambulator" (0.40 to 0.80 m/s), "community ambulator" (0.81 to 1.3 m/s), and "cross street safely" (> 1.3 m/s). The relative frequency (%) of older adults who meet each established quadrant was determined. Results The threshold was reached by 100% of the participants (basic daily activities). About 80% of the older adults have a functional classification space below the reference limit (instrumental and advanced daily activities). It was also found that 81% of women and 69% of men are "efficient in the community", and 31% of men and 14% of women reach the minimum value for "effec-tive street crossing" (advanced daily activities). Conclusions The exploration of functional classification spaces according to self- selected walking speed and maximum walking speed applied to a group of self- sufficient older adults reveals that this pop-ulation is at risk of deteriorating instrumental and advanced activities of daily living.

Introducción La velocidad de marcha se relaciona con la funcionalidad en actividades cotidianas. El Examen de Medicina Preventiva del Adulto Mayor es un hito relevante en la prevención de adultos mayores chilenos de la comunidad. Sin embargo, no incorpora a la velocidad dentro de su batería de pruebas. Objetivo Evaluar una propuesta complementaria al Examen de Medicina Preventiva del Adulto Mayor según Espacios de Clasificación Funcional para valores umbrales, referenciales y de categorización de velocidad de marcha confortable y máxima aplicada a personas mayores autovalentes. Métodos Participaron en este estudio observacional, exploratorio y transversal 72 adultos mayores autovalentes. Se solicitó a cada participante caminar naturalmente y luego a máxima velocidad durante 3 minutos. A través de un gráfico de dispersión entre velocidad de mar-cha confortable (eje "x") y máxima (eje "y"), se construyeron Espacios de Clasificación Funcional según valores documentados para i) umbrales de funcionalidad básica, ii) referenciales para el espectro instrumental y iii) categorización funcional para actividades "dentro del hogar" (< 0,4 m/s), "limitadas en la comunidad" (0,40 a0,80 m/s), "eficiente en la comunidad" (0,81 a1,3 m/s) y "cruce seguro de calles" (> 1,3 m/s). Se determinó la frecuencia relativa (%) de adultos mayores que cumplen con cada cuadrante establecido. Resultados El umbral fue sobrepasado por el 100% de los participantes (actividades cotidianas básicas). Cerca del 80% de los participantes presenta un Espacio de Clasificación Funcional bajo el límite de referencia (actividades cotidianas instrumentales y avanzadas). El 81% de las mujeres y el 69% de los hombres, se encuentran dentro del Espacio de Clasificación Funcional "eficiente en la comuni-dad". El 31% de los hombres y el 14% de las mujeres alcanzan el valor mínimo para el "cruce efectivo de calles" (actividades coti-dianas avanzadas). Conclusiones La exploración de Espacios de Clasificación Funcional según de velocidad de marcha confortable y máxima aplicada a un grupo de adultos mayores clasificados como autovalentes, resulta en individuos con riesgo para desarrollar actividades instrumentales y avanzadas.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Activities of Daily Living , Walking Speed , Chile , Walking , Independent Living
Fisioter. Bras ; 23(1): 1-17, Fev 11, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358393


Estudos têm demonstrado que exercícios realizados em meio aquático produzem benefícios diversos para mulheres. Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar a percepção subjetiva de saúde, mobilidade e humor de mulheres quinquagenárias saudáveis e sedentárias em decorrência de participação em programa de caminhada em imersão. Participaram 59 mulheres entre 50 e 59 anos, distribuídas em grupos de 10 a 12 pessoas. A atividade foi desenvolvida em piscina aquecida 2 vezes por semana, por 30 minutos, durante 12 meses. O programa foi dividido em 4 etapas de 3 meses com 5 tempos de avaliação. Para a avaliação subjetiva sobre o estado de saúde, mobilidade e humor, utilizou-se uma escala numérica de 0 a 10. Breve relato sobre os principais efeitos do programa também foi analisado em seu conteúdo. Observou-se melhora na percepção de saúde (p < 0,001), na mobilidade (p < 0,001) e no humor (p = 0,003). Na análise de conteúdo, 49,4% dos relatos relacionaram-se com a melhora da saúde; 22,9% com a autoestima e satisfação e 19,3% com a capacidade física. O estudo reforça a necessidade deste tipo de prática para a saúde integral da mulher de "meia idade" como medida preventiva do processo de envelhecimento saudável. (AU)

Female , Middle Aged , Personal Satisfaction , Physics , Women , Health , Walking , Healthy Aging , Women's Health
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(1): 33-45, ene. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389615


BACKGROUND: Telehealth is a novel therapeutic alternative. Aim: To determine the effects of a remote therapeutic physical exercise program (TPEP), based on telehealth, on functional physical capacity in people with knee or hip osteoarthritis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An eight-week TPEP was undertaken by 36 participants with a mean age of 68 years. The control group received printed exercise instructions, while the experimental group received the same instructions plus TPEP using tutorial videos and voice messaging via WhatsApp. Both groups were evaluated at baseline and the end of the intervention with the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), Barthel index (BI), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), senior fitness test and with the Visual Analog Scale for pain (VAS). RESULTS: The experimental group decreased the VAS score and improved tandem balance, three-meter walk, sit and stand 5 times, sit and stand in 30 seconds, push-ups in 30 seconds, two minutes' walk, join the right hand behind the back and SPPB general score. The control group increased the BI score and improved the three meters walking test, sitting, and standing 5 times, sit and stand 30 seconds chair test, 2 minutes walking test and the SPPB general score. No differences between groups were observed for the LEFS scale, BI, VAS and functional capacity. CONCLUSIONS: A TPEP based on telehealth has similar effectiveness than a TPEP based on traditional paper-based intervention to improve functional physical capacity in patients with OA. (Rev Med Chile 2022; 150: 33-45)

Humans , Aged , Telemedicine , Osteoarthritis, Knee/therapy , Exercise , Walking , Exercise Therapy
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417267


INTRODUÇÃO: A claudicação neurogênica (CN) é a apresentação clínica clássica de pacientes com Estenose Espinhal Lombar (EEL). Esses pacientes podem ou não apresentar sintomas de dor nas pernas e dificuldade para caminhar. Esses sintomas são exacerbados ao caminhar e ficar em pé e são aliviados ao sentar ou inclinar-se para a frente. MÉTODO: Pacientes com EEL, com diâmetro do canal lombar ≤12mm, foram recrutados em um hospital terciário reconhecido. As características demográficas e antropométricas de cada sujeito foram anotadas e o procedimento do teste foi explicado. O diâmetro do canal foi documentado com a ajuda de um relatório de ressonância magnética. Um teste de caminhada individualizado foi usado para avaliar a distância percorrida. ANÁLISE ESTATÍSTICA: Dependendo da normalidade dos dados, o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r) foi usado para encontrar a correlação entre o diâmetro do canal em diferentes níveis lombares e a distância percorrida em pacientes com EEL. RESULTADO: O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (r) determinou uma correlação positiva razoável (r = 0,29) entre o diâmetro do canal lombar e a distância percorrida. Análise de regressão múltipla stepwise foi feita, e uma equação de predição foi encontrada para diferentes níveis de estenose do canal. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados de nosso estudo sugerem uma correlação positiva razoável entre a distância percorrida e o diâmetro do canal em L5-S1. Este estudo também pode ser útil para prever o diâmetro aproximado do canal, estimando a distância percorrida pelo paciente com sintomas de EEL e vice-versa.

INTRODUCTION: Neurogenic claudication (NC) is the classic clinical presentation of patients with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (LSS). These patients may or may not present with symptoms of leg pain and difficulty walking. These symptoms are exacerbated while walking and standing and are eased by sitting or bending forward. METHOD: Patients with LSS, having a lumbar canal diameter of ≤12mm, were recruited from a recognized Tertiary care hospital. Each subject's demographic characteristics and anthropometrics were noted, and the testing procedure was explained. The canal diameter was documented with the help of an MRI report. A self-paced walking test was used to assess the walking distance. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Depending on the normality of the data, the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to find the correlation between canal diameter at different lumbar levels and walking distance in patients with LSS. RESULT: Pearson correlation coefficient (r) determined a fair positive correlation (r = 0.29) between lumbar canal diameter and walking distance. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was done, and a prediction equation was found for different levels of canal stenosis. CONCLUSION: Findings of our present study suggest a fair positive correlation between walking distance and canal diameter at L5-S1. This study may also be useful in predicting the approximate canal diameter by estimating the walking distance of the patient with symptoms of LSS and vice-versa.

Spinal Stenosis , Patients , Walking
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(1): 167-174, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365740


Abstract Objective To evaluate the biomechanical behavior of the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) of the foot and the kinematic parameters of the lower limbs with biomimetic footwear (BF) and non-biomimetic (NB1, NB2, NB3 and NB4) footwear in children at the beginning of the gait acquisition phase. Methods Four toddlers were evaluated at the beginning of the gait acquisition phase under the following conditions: walking barefoot, ambulation with BF and NB1, NB2, NB3 and NB4 footwear in hard floor. BF is described as biomimetic because of its property of emulating natural and irregular floors through a dynamic internal insole. The MLA and kinematics of the hip, knee, and ankle during gait were evaluated by three-dimensional motion analysis system. The similarity between the kinematic curves of barefoot and footwear conditions was analyzed by root mean square error (RMSE). Results The use of BF presented the highest magnitude of MLA and the greatest difference in relation to barefoot condition (higher RMSE). The BF showed less difference in the kinematics of the knee and ankle joints during gait when compared to barefoot condition (lower RMSE). NB2 footwear presented hip kinematics more similar to barefoot condition (lower RMSE). Conclusion Biomimetics footwear and NB2 shoes (both with wider forefoot region) generated smaller differences in lower limbs compared to barefoot. In addition, the MLA was higher in the BF, probably because different design from other shoes.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o comportamento do arco longitudinal medial do pé (ALM) e os parâmetros cinemáticos dos membros inferiores durante a deambulação com calçados biomiméticos (CBs) e não biomiméticos (NB1, NB2, NB3 e NB4) em crianças no início da fase de aquisição da marcha. Métodos Foram avaliadas quatro crianças no início da fase de aquisição da marcha nas seguintes condições: andar descalço, andar com CBs e calçados NB1, NB2, NB3 e NB4 em solo plano. O calçado biomimético é descrito como biomimético por emular pisos naturais e irregulares por meio de uma palmilha interna dinâmica. O ALM e a cinemática do quadril, joelho e tornozelo durante a marcha foram avaliados por meio de sistema de análise do movimento tridimensional. A similaridade entre as curvas cinemáticas das condições descalça e com calçado foi analisada por meio do cálculo de root mean square error (RMSE). Resultados O CB foi o que apresentou maior magnitude do ALM e maior diferença do ALM em relação à condição descalça (maior RMSE). O CB apresentou ainda menor diferença na cinemática das articulações do joelho e tornozelo durante a marcha quando comparado à condição descalça (menor RMSE). O calçado NB2 apresentou a cinemática do quadril mais semelhante à condição descalça (menor RMSE). Conclusão Os calçados CB e NB2 que apresentam a região do antepé mais larga geraram menores diferenças na cinemática dos membros inferiores. Além disso, o ALM foi maior no CB provavelmente devido a seu design ser diferente daquele dos demais calçados.

Humans , Infant , Shoes , Walking , Biomimetics , Foot , Gait
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 447-453, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936031


Objective: To explore the effects of bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on quadriceps and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted. A total of 40 patients with extensive burns who met the inclusion criteria and were admitted to Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University&Wuhan Third Hospital from December 2017 to December 2020 were selected. According to the random number table, the patients were divided into conventional training group (16 males, 4 females, aged (45±10) years) and combined training group (13 males, 7 females, aged (39±8) years). Patients in conventional training group were given conventional rehabilitation therapy such as joint loosening, lower limb strength training, walking training, and pressure therapy, while patients in combined training group were given additional bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on the basis of conventional rehabilitation. For patients in the 2 groups before and after a 2-month's treatment, the thickness of quadriceps was measured by ultrasonic diagnostic instrument, the muscle strength of quadriceps was measured by portable muscle strength tester, the walking ability was tested with a 6-min and a 10-meter walk tests, and the patients' satisfaction for treatment effects was assessed using the modified Likert scale. Data were statistically analyzed with independent or paired sample t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, or chi-square test. Results: After 2-month's treatment, the quadriceps thickness of patients in combined training group was (3.76±0.39) cm, which was significantly thicker than (3.45±0.35) cm in conventional training group (t=2.67, P<0.05); quadriceps thickness of patients in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment was significantly thicker than that before treatment (with t values of 5.99 and 8.62, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the quadriceps muscle strength of patients in combined training group was significantly greater than that in conventional training group (Z=2.69, P<0.01); quadriceps muscle strength of patients in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment was significantly greater than that before treatment (with Z values of 3.92 and 3.92, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the 6-min walking distance of patients in combined training group was (488±39) m, which was significantly longer than (429±25) m in conventional training group (t=5.66, P<0.01); the 6-min walking distance of patients after 2-month's treatment in conventional training group and combined training group was significantly longer than that before treatment (with t values of 13.16 and 17.92, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the 10-meter walking time of patients in combined training group was significantly shorter than that in conventional training group (t=3.20, P<0.01); and the 10-meter walking time in conventional training group and combined training group was significantly shorter than that before treatment (with t values of 7.21 and 13.13, respectively, P<0.01). The patients' satisfaction score for treatment effects in combined training group was significantly higher than that in conventional training group (Z=3.14, P<0.01), and the patients' satisfaction scores for treatment effects in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment were significantly greater than those before treatment (with Z values of 3.98 and 4.04, respectively, P<0.01). Conclusions: Bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training can be used to improve quadriceps thickness, muscle strength, and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns. It can also improve the satisfaction of patients with the treatment outcome, and therefore is worthy of promotion.

Female , Humans , Male , Bicycling , Burns/therapy , Lower Extremity , Prospective Studies , Quadriceps Muscle , Treatment Outcome , Walking
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 175-184, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928212


The body weight support rehabilitation training system has now become an important treatment method for the rehabilitation of lower limb motor dysfunction. In this paper, a pelvic brace body weight support rehabilitation system is proposed, which follows the center of mass height (CoMH) of the human body. It aims to address the problems that the existing pelvic brace body weight support rehabilitation system with constant impedance provides a fixed motion trajectory for the pelvic mechanism during the rehabilitation training and that the patients have low participation in rehabilitation training. The system collectes human lower limb motion information through inertial measurement unit and predicts CoMH through artificial neural network to realize the tracking control of pelvic brace height. The proposed CoMH model was tested through rehabilitation training of hemiplegic patients. The results showed that the range of motion of the hip and knee joints on the affected side of the patient was improved by 25.0% and 31.4%, respectively, and the ratio of swing phase to support phase on the affected side was closer to that of the gait phase on the healthy side, as opposed to the traditional body weight support rehabilitation training model with fixed motion trajectory of pelvic brace. The motion trajectory of the pelvic brace in CoMH mode depends on the current state of the trainer so as to realize the walking training guided by active movement on the healthy side of hemiplegia patients. The strategy of dynamically adjustment of body weight support is more helpful to improve the efficiency of walking rehabilitation training.

Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Gait , Hemiplegia , Pelvis , Range of Motion, Articular , Stroke Rehabilitation , Walking
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 103-111, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928204


Aiming at the problems of individual differences in the asynchrony process of human lower limbs and random changes in stride during walking, this paper proposes a method for gait recognition and prediction using motion posture signals. The research adopts an optimized gated recurrent unit (GRU) network algorithm based on immune particle swarm optimization (IPSO) to establish a network model that takes human body posture change data as the input, and the posture change data and accuracy of the next stage as the output, to realize the prediction of human body posture changes. This paper first clearly outlines the process of IPSO's optimization of the GRU algorithm. It collects human body posture change data of multiple subjects performing flat-land walking, squatting, and sitting leg flexion and extension movements. Then, through comparative analysis of IPSO optimized recurrent neural network (RNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) network, GRU network classification and prediction, the effectiveness of the built model is verified. The test results show that the optimized algorithm can better predict the changes in human posture. Among them, the root mean square error (RMSE) of flat-land walking and squatting can reach the accuracy of 10 -3, and the RMSE of sitting leg flexion and extension can reach the accuracy of 10 -2. The R 2 value of various actions can reach above 0.966. The above research results show that the optimized algorithm can be applied to realize human gait movement evaluation and gait trend prediction in rehabilitation treatment, as well as in the design of artificial limbs and lower limb rehabilitation equipment, which provide a reference for future research to improve patients' limb function, activity level, and life independence ability.

Humans , Algorithms , Gait , Machine Learning , Neural Networks, Computer , Walking